My baby started drinking 180mls at abt 6 weeks old, (he's abt 11 weeks old now) but these couple of days, his appetite seemed to have decreased. He's almost sleeping through the night or only needs 1 feed though. Is this normal?

Hi girls, sorry been so tied up with lo & havn't had the chance to log in but thank you all for your prompt replies! Yes, 180mls seems alot but his pedaetrician assured me it's ok & that my son's just got a big appetite (which will decrease eventually & it did!). He's still drinking 180mls max now at 13wks, some days less. Anyways, his appetite did resume few days after my initial post above so phew! However, he seemed to be sleeping alot these 2 days thus his feeding time's stretched (can be 4 or 5 hrs after the previous feed). His bowel movement's also different now. He used to poop everyday or once every 2 days at the worst, but he's been only pooping once every 3 days now (for 3 cycles already)! I've tried belly massage & bicycle ride exeecise but that haven't helped. Any advise?
Read moreA good gauge of knowing whether your child is getting enough milk is the number of wet diapers a day. For his age, 4-5 wet diapers is ideal. If he's not reaching this number, then I would wake him up every 2-3 hours to feed.
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Drinking 180ml per feed at 6 wks? How much is he drinking now? It's quite normal to sleep thru the night at 11 wks, but did he consistently sleep thru or only a one off case?
How much is baby drinking in total? You will then be able to have a better gauge. I suggest for you to wake him up if the amount he is drinking is lesser then recommended
Brought lo to the ped. eventually. Turned out it was most likely just a growth spurt. He's eating & sleeping ok again, just abit fussy at times wanting more cuddles. :)
his appetite decrease in the day time? For night feeds it's ok. as some babies are able to sleep thru the night at a younger ages. His diaper output enough?
It's possible. However to be safe ensure that the number of wet diapers are regular.
180mls is a lot for a 6 week old, how often do you feed him now?