When did your baby start walking?
My baby’s infant care teacher raised a concern saying that he’s already one years old and still not walking. Made me uncomfortable and I’m really wondering if there’s a problem with my baby. He just turned one years old a few days ago.

14mo but even at 15mo occasionally will fall and sit. Everyone was asking me why she’s still not walking everytime they sees her ever since she turned 1 😒 . My replies would always be, some people’s baby still don’t have teeth at 18mo while mine had her first two at 4.5mo so don’t compare. I’m not rushing you rush what? (I’m annoyed cause it’s always the same people who asked.) Anyways what really “boosted” my daughter’s walking was after I bought her to play outside. (We went to Play @ Changi Airport) I think she got so excited she forgotten about crawling 😅. Can consider bringing your LO out to play areas, let them explore more and they will walk better.
Read moreHi! My son starts to walk when he’s one but I have friend whose baby 1 year + and she has yet to walk. Different babies have different milestone. I think you should not worry so much as he just turn one ~ still have plenty of time! I find it funny for the teacher to raise it as a “concern” as she should understand best that each child have different milestone and babies usually start to walk between 10-18 months old (according to google) I used to put toy on the sofa for my son to practise walking from one end to another to get the toy. Then slowly move on to asking him to take a toy from me (from a one step/few steps away distance)
Read moreThanks for the tip! Yeah, I wished the teacher hadn’t said the things that she did.
I’m an infant care teacher myself & I don’t think it’s a concern too. Each child is unique & hits milestones at their own pace. I’ve seen infants who starts to walk at 16-17 months & there’s no issue with their physical development. Agree with the other anonymous infant care teacher :) Only if they hit 18 months, & going playgroup/ toddler in school we’ll raise it up as a concern. Don’t worry mummy, give your child some time~ meanwhile u could do activities with him like letting him cruise while holding onto table/ sofa at home or holding both his hands and walk with him :)
Read moreThanks for the reassurance! I wished my LO’s ifc teacher hadn’t commented on such things like she did 😞
there's Chinese saying, the earlier the baby walks, their life will be tougher. perhaps it's your baby will have a good life, hence that longer time to walk .. Also, Parents should not promote walking too soon. Allowing babies time to gradually develop walk skills serves as a healthy long-term purpose. Every infant develops uniquely, even amongst siblings with the same genetics. Some babies possess a desire and capability to begin walking sooner than others.
Read moreHii!! I’m an infant care teacher here as well and i don’t think it’s a concern yet as it is still too early to tell. It will be a concern only if he is promoting to the next class and still not walking which is usually by 17-18 months old. Different infants have their own pace. Don’t worry ok! Give him a little more time and you can do assisted walking activities at home with your child too 🥰
Read moreThank you for your reassurance! Appreciate it 🥰
Walking as in with support or independently? For us it’s around 12-14 with support and 15mth without support. There’s nothing wrong with your kid, every kid is different and still have plenty time to grow. If you are that concerned, you can try to encourage by bringing your kid to outdoors to see other children walking and running. They learn through visually as well. All is good.
Read moreMine just started walking 2 weeks ago.. she is 18th month 2 wks old. I was also very worried. Be patient with your baby and also be calm. It’s dangerous to fall into a spiral hole when people start expressing their concerns about your child development. Have faith!
don worry mummy,my boy starts to walk properly only like 14months onwards ...still have time....I saw an online show,this baby walked at 15months,so each baby different,but ultimately will catch up one:)
That’s reassuring. Thank you! 🥰
Dont worry! I myself only walk when nearly 2 years old. my mum really thought i have an issue, only use butt to move.
Hahaha so cute!
mine started walking at 18mths as well. nothing wrong with it.