My baby's hep B last booster jab is coming up. Isit safe for her to go for the vaccination or should I postpone till the CB period is over? Thanks in advance

I just went for my baby’s 4th month vaccine. Would suggest not to delay as vaccine is important and essential. Most parent will go for private therefore there’s not many of them in polyclinic. I went to Outram poly for appointment at 10.20am. Arrived at 10aM and done around 10.30am.
Best to go as vaccinations are important for babies whose immune systems are not as developed. I’ve brought my LO to the PD too, they restrict the number of people inside the clinic and it’s done quite quickly.
Actually it’s safer now than later, because there are much fewer people around. Take the necessary precautions and go for it:)
Most polyclinics should still be safe as they have a separate floor for babies. Id sick to the immunization schedule
I just went for the jab last week. It’s ok to go now! Just wear a mask and bring hand sanitiser
Hey, Better to get vaccination on time. Please check with your PD on making arrangements
Should go Take precautions Go at a time minimal people avoid Mondays weekends etc
Best not to delay any vaccination, but do check with your pediatrician...
Don't delay. Just go for the vaccination.