My baby has very dry nose and his nose is always stuck with those dry thingy in the nose? How can I remove it from his nose? I use the nose cleaner like a bulb but it's not working ~ anyone can advise me what can I do?

Nose cleaner are usually used when mucus is wet. When mucus are hard or dry, you can wipe it with water else put some saline drops into each nostril before using the nose cleaner to suck it out. Alternatively, i also iseu fingernails occasionally especially if i don't hv the nose cleaner with me. This is not advisable though cos our nails have germs but i just can't stand it.
Read moreI will always clear the solid inside my son nose after a water will wet his nose.... so as it soften... I will use cotton bulb n tissue to take it out... it's always effective... nose is much more easier then ear wax..... my son ear always blocked totally... haha..
Nose cleaner is used when there are watery mucus. For sry typea, i will usually used a wet cloth to wet the area ard the nose and clean which will lessen the pain if any. As for the dirt, i will just pick it out elae i will feel super uncomfortable.
Read moreUse Nasal spray b4 using the nose aspirator to suck can help soften the snot and losen mucus . Easier n more comfortable for bb. I have tried both Sterimar and Tonimer (used in kkh. Can buy from kkh pharmacy) slightly cheaper than Sterimar.
I use sterimar for babies. You can also try Iliadin. Have you considered buying a humidifier for the room? It could be the aircon that keeps your lo's nose dry.
I found this really useful link on how to de-gunk your baby's nose!
This is my favorite nasal spray to use. It's super gentle and effective (I tried on myself).

i use sterimar nasal spray to clean nose or clear the nose mucus. i find it very useful.
I use sterimar nasal spray , u can get it from Watsons , guardians and unity care
usually i would use a wet thin towel or a wet tissue as nose is very sensitive.