my baby farts alot and loud

My baby been farting alot and loud lately. Isit normal? Does this means he has too much gas un his tummy? He's on FM. Any tip on how to lower gas in his tummy?

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my 1mo baby too like vespa (daddy like to disturb her fart pattern😂) shes on FM and x1 ebm each day. we try to soothe her crying asap to avoid her taking more air into her, also with the aid of pacifier. every now and then,ritually i will massage her tummy with telon oil, esp before sleeptime. I think its better for them to fart alot(and loud😂) to avoid excessive gas in their stomach. it can get super uncomfortable for them hence all the crying pfft hahha pass gas then baby sleep better and longer then happy mummy 😂😉

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I always say better out than could be just a phase of which when baby starts normal solid food it will cease naturally...mind you farting doesn't stop even when you are 60 (been trying to find a solution for my husband but none exist) 😉

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Yes, normal if baby doesn’t strain and cry. Try to do tummy massage (can find on YouTube) and put ruyi oil.

Haha! My baby too! i will just massage minyak telon and do daily bicycle exercises.

Super Mum

Farting is good! Haha. Better than trapped gas and crying from the colicky pain

VIP Member

How old is lo now? How’s the poo Color? Apply mint oil on his stomach.

5y ago

Yellow Color is normal. It’s good that lo farts. Haha. Don’t worry so much. Massage lo stomach regularly with mint oil n legs exercise ( helps with constipation ) can find on YouTube(:

VIP Member

Do the “ I love you “ cycling movement! baby too! and very smelly!

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