Baby Seldom Poop

My baby is 7 month, but he 3 to 4 days only poop once. Now he drink milk and some solid food once a day. Anything to give baby eat so that he will poop everyday? As people said baby must poop everyday. He drink abit water only. 10ml per day. He do not like to drink water at all.

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offer your baby fruit like pear, papaya & dragon fruit. avoid banana & apples as some babies may get constipation. also give complete diet of food for your baby, carbo + protein + vegetables. add green vege like pakchoy, sawi & bayam. sometimes mixing rice with carrot, pumpkin or potato also can cause constipation cause of too much carbo. avoid mixing 2 types of carbo at one time. monitor your baby which food cause him hard to poop. try to give water in between while feeding him food in spoon because some babies don't like water so they might not aware if we give in between while feeding. finally if the problem still persist even after try all this bring him to paediatrician.

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May i ask y one time per day u only give baby solid food?for 6mtg a above u have to feed our baby 2-3times a day & 2times of snack like puree fruit.thats how they will process & poop everyday.if u have the book of perkembangan kanak-kanak that we use to chart & see clinic for the vaccine,in it have what menu / example of menu to feed & the quantity of baby also formula milk,when u give solid food like what the reccommendation they will nit have any poop problem.

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Hello mom semua ada boleh bagi cara tak… buat baby suka makan Baby sy umur 7 bulan 11 hari tpi dia tak ada selera nak makan…. Kalo bagi dia makan menangis🥲

2w ago

anak saya taknak makan juga tapi seminggu saya tak bagi mkn skrg dia dh nak mkn. nasi tak ak yg blend nak yg bulat2 tu juga. alhamdulillah slow2 nak mknlg

anak saya 7m8d tp tak bole tepuk tangan, flying kiss n melambai tgn lgi , adakah itu normal ataupon lambat sikit ?

4w ago

anak saya pun 7 bln lebih bru nk bljr berdiri sndiri,tepuk tgn lambai sume blom😁

hai puan... boleh blender semua makanan seperti nasi, karot, labu, Bayam, ayam... boleh simpan asing2 dalam peti ais...bila baby nak makan boleh panaskan atas kuali...bila kita blender... baby boleh membuang dengan baik... sebab dia makan makanan yg dah lembut...

my baby also same. 7-8 days only poop once. i very worry bout that. after that i do juice dates n prune or i do puree. i give her everyday. now my baby poo everyday.

2w ago

hari tu anak sya makan dragon fruit cirit birit dia smpai 2 minggu😫 alhmdulilah dh ok bawa pegi pakar kanak2

my baby like ur doctor teach me everyday and every same time...use cotton bud and put baby oil little on baby anus and u try slowly put cotton bud in out till baby poop. this call manually stimulation. now my baby everyday poop like usual.🤗

I selalunya bagi sapu Tasneem Balm yg T-Rub tu sangat berkesan for my baby utk poop. This balm is usually used when the baby had stomach ache. Bila baby ada kuning pun duk bagi balm ni supaya dia berak nk trunkn kuning cepat skit.

Try to use prebiotic put inside fm. My baby have this problem when he was 2-3months. Before use. Ask the pharmacy how to use it. Now my baby popoo everday. Baby almost 7m now.

ank sy 2hari ni masak tumis bawang putih bawang merah halia kentang isi ayam.. unsalted butter..then cmpur dgn bubur bilis..dy smlm dgn arini poo cirit..xbole halia kot ye??

10mo ago

Sama mcm anak saya buat 4 hari lepas..terus cirit sampai ruam belah punggung dia..pergi klinik doktor suruh makan bubur plain dlm dua hari ok dah