Flipping during sleep

Baby 5th month old now. Recently started sttn. However, he also started flipping,hence will be annoyed n woke up hence affected his sleep. Then I need to turn him back else he would whine. Anyone experience this and how long will it take to outgrow? Now 2nd week monitoring bb flipping.

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once he is able to flip back on his own then it will be fine! we all been thru that . for now.. just have to be careful and place a baby monitor near him so that you can hear him when he is whining. . and make sure he is not alone on the bed!


Give it some time when baby is able to flip back. For nights usually I swaddle hands and feet so my baby cannot flip over. He sttn at 2MO

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May be use some pillow beside him to avoid turns .. we can’t monitor every-time , so better secure 1st

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Safety should be the priority, bed guards or pillows around the baby ..