My baby (5mo) nowadays smile at my mil more than he smile at me, when my mil call my baby he smile instantly but when i try to bond with my baby he dont even bother looking at me.. not even smile..
hi! my son is almost 3 and still he doesn't like me.. he tells his papa he loves him everyday, but when I asked him about me, he says "no no" and runs off! I just console myself its okay, wait Mommy off day then he know... 🤭
I was like u.. my hubby took care of baby the first mth n i felt baby doesnt like me.. as they grow older, u will feel that it is not like this.. my ger sometimes dun really smile to me too.. jiayou!
Super Mum
Oh dear.. I’m sorry you are feeling this way! Sometimes it’s just coincidental. Hang in there and keep trying ok? Don’t give up!