Breast milk

My baby is 11 days old and she is refusing to latch on my breast. Will my milk production decrease if she doesn’t latch ? As far as I notice I have been only pumping about 30-40ml per session.

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If she doesn’t latch, you’ll have to pump regularly (regardless the amount) to keep up with milk production otherwise the supply will definitely dip. My supply only went up after 1.5m of pumping. Drink more water~

2w ago

Sure thank you for helping out. As I was feeling quite upset that my baby didn’t want to latch and my milk production was not much.

Coba pakai produk ini bun , semoga bisa mengatasi permasalahan yang bunda alami. Produknya sudah sesuai anjuran IDAI dan FDA, 100% aman 5239224