972 responses
I do not think it is right for us to revenge for our kids. Especially inflicting pain on a young kid is a no no. So i think is either can tell the kids’s parents. Or if not talk to the kid and try to get them to be friends. Apologise to one another
because bullying can make trauma until they grow. difficult to heal and may cause their character. maybe become stubborn or dowan make friend
Don't attack or blame the child's bully he/she is a reflection of parenting. Instead try to understand him/her.
No. I wouldn't attack. But I would be mean, and I'd definitely take the matter to the bully's parents
No. If we attack them, it shows no different between us. We need to show a good example for our kids
Attacking is not always a best policy and kids won't learn good things if they see this growing up
There is no need to attack a kid. Get down to the root with a mediator and the person’s parent
Children act unintentionally. Parents or teachers should be informed to explain to the "bully".
No, you should be setting an example for your child to settle things through diplomacy
It’s wrong to attack .. as we r grown up we should know what’s is right /wrongly