
Anyone tried Hyfosy procedure? Any idea what are the side effects after the procedure? And how much does it cost

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There's a small risk of infection. Panadol and antibiotics may be prescribed. If there's no blocking of tubes u won't feel anything. At most mild cramp. Cost about 400+

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Went for it at KKH, procedure was ok for me.. I didnt have cramping or nausea.. went back to work after... cost about $5++, $300 claimable by medisave

My experience was.. Cramping for few hours after the procedure, I just took Panadol and sleep it away.

I was nauseous and dizzy, slightly cramp after the procedure. Need someone to accompany me home.

No side effect. Jus the process is unbearable for me. Go by subsidy class medisave claimable.
