Spotting 4 week 1day
Anyone tested positive and had spotting on period due date. M worried

I'm at 14w and at my first mth, I didnt even noe I was pregnant and thought it was regular menses, "menses" came for 4days and I went on with activities cycle and walk till I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant.. Just have a check I hope ur progesterones wil increase and help u bake a healthy baby!
hello congrats hehee! it’s normal i had spotting on period due date for 2 days 😂 i thought it’s my period on third day i tested positive 😅 den 7th and 8th day spotting i went to gynae they give me pills. you may want to visit a gynae to have a peace of mind ❤️😊
hi found this thread. how is ur pregnancy so far? is it a success story. i had spotting today on my menses date. quite worried
Normal. But can check with ur gynae if ure worried