Induce labour
Anyone can share their experience being induced? When did they induce you and how did it turn out for you? Length of labour/how many weeks you were/ etc?

wk39d4 induce twice, 1st for 24hrs, 2nd for 6 hrs, total 30hrs because doc want to push for natural birth, end up i insist on emergency c-sect cause waited too long, very tiring and still only 1cm dilation, worried baby stressed up inside too.. best decision ever.
I was induced at 39 weeks, as baby's weight was stagnant for 2 weeks. I inserted the pill at 11am and had stayed in the clinic till 1130am for observation, went into labour ward and do check in around 1-130pm. I took an epidural at 430pm, gave birth at 630pm.
all 3 my kids induce.. 40 weeks. water level low.. every 5 10 min contraction came. cant take it ask epidural. 12hr later givebirth. 2nd one 8 hr. 3rd one 5 or 6 hr.
39 weeks when we choose to induce labour Un successful as cervix did not open Became an emergency c section Have to be prepared that it might fail
Read moreI was induced labor , I didn’t dilate for 2 days n then got into labor as my water broke but I still hadn’t dilated so had to do a C-section .