fainted during pregnancy
anyone fainted during their pregnancy before? did u managed to deliver your baby safely w no risk etc? I read online - women who faint during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, may have a higher risk of preterm delivery, abnormal heart rhythms, or birth defects in their infants and other adverse outcomes, compared to pregnant women who do not faint. isit true?

I dont think you should fully believe things you read online cause its always an exaggeration and not always the case (learnt from experience). Being light headed during pregnancy is normal and common esp dueing first trim as body is adjusting to the presence of baby, with changing of hormones. It might be due to low sugar too. Best to ask gynae
Read moreHi! I’ve fainted 2/3 times during my pregnancy. Mostly in crowded area like pasar malam & bazaars. Went to ask my gynae during the appointment, she did told me it wasnt normal for pregnant women to faint unknowingly. Turns out i had low iron throughout the pregnancy, had given iron tablets to eat after my meals. Now im at 37w5d.
Read moreSometimes read too much online makes u tink too much. This is what my gynae say. I feel giddy in my first trim but did not faint (wanna faint only). Last preg i almost black out (i basically couldnt hear anyting n couldnt stand proper). Last preg i give birth to a healthy child.
I think best to ask gynae if can take blood test to check, might be low haemoglobin/iron
I don’t think this is true. Stay positive and don’t search online too much