First Trimester Weight Lost
Is anyone else losing weight at first trimester or isit just me? I have my normal usual meals but somehow at every each gynea appointment, my weight is lower than before. Is it normal? I forgot to bring up this question to the gynea everytime ?

Yes, is normal. I was losing weight as well during 1st trimester even though my food intake alot sometime but still losing weight. For me I somehow will vomit maybe a few times up till now 2nd trimester soon. My appetite get better from end of wk 11 till current wk 12. Don't worry it's take time.
I lost about 2-3kg during my 1st & 2nd trimester. Didnt gain weight during my entire pregnancy. Do check with your gynae, as long as baby is growing well, its all good.
I lost nearly 5kg due to poor appetite and bad nausea. Finally gained beyond my pre-pregnancy weight after week 23! It should be fine as long as baby is growing well :)
I lost weight till I was underweight but baby was fine and I gained back slowly when I’m near third tri , babyboy was healthy in my case born 3.002kg @ 40wks
Yup. Plenty of preggy women loose weight on first trimester. So Long as you see doctor regularly and all is well, then all is well 😉
It's normal. I lost weight and gained back only from 6 mths onwards.
Normal. I lost weight too.