Change of baby name
Anybody knows how much it cost to change bqby name bfore the baby is 12months old

Please Google and do some research. Google has a lot of answers and suggestions. Got this below from one of the legit websites so I think you may want to make some calls for confirmation before going down. 1) Child less than a year of age You can change the name in the birth certificate without even creating a deed poll. Either parent can call the Registry of Births & Deaths (ICA Building Level 3) with his or her NRIC number and the child's original birth certificate number to make the amendment. The original birth certificate will be cancelled and a certified birth extract with the amended name will be issued to the parent. The current fee payable to change the name of a child less than a year of age is $60.00 ($30.00 for the amendment and $30.00 for the birth extract).
Read moresorry, No idea about that