Any other vaccinations that I should let my child take other than those mandatory ones?

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Optional vaccinations include: • Pneumococcal Vaccine Streptococcus pneumoniae is a bacteria that can cause infections in children (e.g. meningitis, sepsis, pneumonia, ear infections, etc). These may be serious or even fatal. • Rotavirus Vaccine Rotavirus is a common cause of acute gastroenteritis in infants and children. The vaccine is given orally. • Influenza Vaccine The influenza vaccine may be given from 6 months of age. Annual revaccination against the anticipated viral strains is required. • Chicken Pox Vaccine The chicken pox vaccine can be given after the age of one year. • Human papillomavirus (HPV) for girls between 10 and 25 years of age.

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We vaccinated my girl against meninggoccal b and c disease at the International Pediatric Centre as the men b vaccine is very new and not available at government clinics and most pediatric clinics here. I have a Cousin and an aunt who became intellectually slow after a bout of bacterial meninggoccal disease and a Cousin died from it too in adulthood hence we decided to vaccinate our baby against it.

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I gave my child a few additional jabs. - Rotavirus - Chicken Pox I will be giving them the influenza to my elder son soon too

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I have never given the influenza vaccination but we've given the Rotavirus and Chicken pox vaccine.

who here have heard about the newest vaccine available for kids? Japanese B encephalitis?

8y ago

Meningococcal b and c vaccine

Thanks Mummies!