soar nipple
Anu po mganda gawin sa ngsusugat na nipples.. Hndi ko mapadede si baby ng maayos sa sobrang sket, 3 days plng po si baby.. Kahit mg pump msakit pa din, any advice po? TY

General breast care and treatment for sore nipples Allow some breast milk to dry on your nipples. Breast milk contains natural skin softeners and antibodies to fight infection, which can help heal nipples and keep them healthy. Let your nipples air-dry after each feeding. This prevents clothing from sticking to and irritating the breast. Moistening the nipple helps detach stuck clothing. Apply modified lanolin or other specially formulated ointments or creams made with hypoallergenic ingredients (such as Lansinoh or modified lanolin USP25). To reduce pain, apply cool compresses to your nipples after breastfeeding. Gel pads can also be used on dry nipples. If your nipples are very sore, placing breast shields inside your bra to prevent contact between clothes and nipples may help. Use hydrogel pads to help soothe and heal sore or cracked nipples. They are worn inside your bra and help maintain the natural moisture of the skin. Use proper breast support. Cotton bras with wide, non-elastic straps will help support your breasts without irritating the nipples. Breastfeeding bras open at each cup to allow breastfeeding and to allow nipples to air-dry. If it is more comfortable, wear a bra at night for extra support. If your nipples are very sore, ask your doctor or lactation consultant to check your baby's tongue for a short frenulum. A short frenulum (which connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth) can limit the baby's tongue movement and cause pain. Be sure to contact your doctor or a lactation consultant if you continue to have sore, red nipples after trying home treatment for a day or two.
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