Meat and Eggs Beef Lamb Ham Turkey Chicken Veal Pork Dried beef Liver Liverwurst Eggs (any style) Seafood Shrimp Clams Scallops Oysters Tuna Sardines Haddock Mackerel Vegetables Spinach Sweet potatoes Peas Broccoli String beans Beet greens Dandelion greens Collards Kale Chard Bread and Cereals White bread (enriched) Whole wheat bread Enriched pasta Wheat products Bran cereals Corn meal Oat cereal Cream of Wheat Rye bread Enriched rice Fruit Strawberries Watermelon Raisins Dates Figs Prunes Prune juice Dried apricots Dried peaches Beans and Other Foods Tofu Beans (kidney, garbanzo, or white, canned) Tomato products (e.g., paste) Dried peas Dried beans Lentils Instant breakfast Corn syrup Maple syrup Molasses