Fresh Sushi Sashimi
Hi, is it alright to consume freshly cut sashimi when you just entered 2nd Trimester ? Just a bit.

I ate! My mother in law was jap. And she kept insisting that nothing happen, and whenever she comes over, she will prepare raw fish. She told me in Japan everyone also eat 😟 wanted to not eat but later she not happy 😪
I had sashimi all the time throughout my entire pregnancy. Baby turn out healthy as a bee. That said my gynae did give the green light and said as long as it’s from clean sources it’s fine.
No. Sashimi is raw fish and raw food and pregnancy don’t mix. Why subject yourself to the possibility of food poisoning when you are carrying a child? Better be safe than sorry right?
It’s not advisable as u will never be sure of the food handling hygiene practice in restaurant so there is still a risk of salmonella or other bacterial infection in the cut sashimi.
I had raw salmon sashimi a few times .. personally i think it's ok but only occasionally.. i really cut my intake by a lot.
Really, it's best to avoid this. And just imagine how great it will taste later when you finally get to eat it! 😁
Have to be fresh. I didn’t eat raw food in case not fresh and got contamination.
No raw food! Esp sashimi.. Didnt take any during pregnancy, don't dare man
I wouldn't risk it. Hang in there! You can have it after birth 😊
Is fine for me. I've been eating throughout and no issue