Agree or Disagree: Physical Punishments 🤔

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Agree or Disagree: Physical Punishments 🤔
16 Replies
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Agree, depending on the situation. In the real world, you get spanked in jail if you did something terribly wrong. However, when they are still young they act on impulse and not on logic. So I would only start canning at age 5..

Bet most of us here have been slapped in the face by our older generation parents right so…..

VIP Member

Disagree. It could lead traumatic for children.

🙅They are more important than my life

Agree. Spare the rod, spoil the child.

No. I prefer gentle parenting.


agree to a certain extent

VIP Member

Agree , to some extent

VIP Member

depends on situation

Super Mum

To some extent.