
Any advise on how to stop breastfeeding?

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I know you can get medication from your gynae to stop breastfeeding. if I'm not wrong is a 2 week medication, and should be able to reduce your output up to 80% then the rest to slowly wean off by not pumping, hand expressing when feeling full, along that line! check with your gynae!

8mo ago

now I'm dragging my pump hours to 7 hrs,and drinking peppermint tea..want try the cabbage leaves ..should I stop pumping thn?

Gradually reduce pumping and latching by dragging longer hours but it would cause discomfort like engorgement, especially if yours is over supply.

8mo ago

now I'm dragging from to 2-3 hrs to 4 hours.. reduce pumping as in day time and night time roughly how many times
