Can I see a gynae at week 6?
It is advisable to see a doctor at week 6 or should we wait until week 8 for the first doc appt? Can baby been seen or heard at week 6?

You can start going to polyclinic for a referral to the public hospital of your choice (for subsidised fees). The hospital will either call or send you an SMS for your 1st appointment. Or you can also go straight to the hospital of your choice (private fees).
i went at week 6 and can see the sac and fetus but cannot heard the heartbeat then. i was prescribed with some vitamins and was asked to go back in week 8. If financially is okay i think you should go at week 6.
At week 6 i can see and hear the heartbeat. But everyone is different, so depends if you are anxious to confirm the pregnancy and see the little one!
Every pregnancy is different. For me, I went at Week 6, and I could already hear the heartbeat and see the sac plus fetus then.
My first appointment was at week 3. If you have blood color discharge (brown/red) better to see gynae asap.
I went to see the gynae at week 6. At that time, the sac was seen and heaetbeat already heard.
if no bleeding. 8 weeks better coz u can also hear the heartbeat by that time.
Mine was week 7 . I can hear and see my baby .
my first appt was 6 weeks