Ada tak mummies yg guna handsfree collection cup? Brand apa yg sesuai dan effective? Boleh guna dgn semua jenis pump?

Hi. I pernah pakai youha handfree collection cup. I prefer brand ni sbb bahagian suction pakai silicone (i ada sensitive breast/nipple). I pakai pump brand yg sama jgk. But I rasa any brand handfree collection cup boleh pakai any brand pump. 😊
I'm using spectra handsfree 24mm. W Spectra S1. But I'm already tired w tubes so gonna change to tubeless pump. All this because I don't like pumping. So trying to find the most convenient way of pumping.
sebelum membeli breastpump ataupun handsfree pastikan sis tau size nipple supaya size corong sesuai, n nipple tidak mudah melecet atau susu tidak keluar..
lacte handsfree collection cup.. smua pump boleh guna

I guna spectra handsfree saiz 28mm. Nice