93 Balas
VIP Member
23/11/2020 but need to admit earlier cause of GDM
20.11 tp last scan dktr kata 11.11 pulak.. hihi
Brixton hicks tu mcm mna sis? Sya xda lg ni cek g hsptal.. Kerap mngeras n skit2 dkt bwah je
due 25/11 tp kena bersalin awal sebab gdm
13/11/2020 jumaat.. mohon doa semuanya
Sama saya due bulan 11 2020..tarikh..
6/11😅 existed plus takut.. Huhuhu
11.11 elective czer.. Insha Allah
insyaAllah due sy 20/11/20
7/11...n very excite...
Sy 17/11 insyaa ALLAH..
NaLini DeVadass