My 4mth old boy used to drink 120ml every 3 hrs. But recently, he can only finish 70 -100ml per feed, regardless of day time or night time. He also cannot nap long in the day time. Naps are between 45mins to 1 hr. His bedtime is between 630pm to 730pm and he wakes up every 3 hrs. How can i help him to increase his milk intake and also to help him to sleep for longer stretch of hours at night?

Hi Zhi Hui, my boy is just 3 weeks older than yours and I've been through the exact same thing as you. he even drinks the same amount. I suspected that because his teeth are growing hence the lack of appetite. my boy eats his fingers and pacifier which may also lead to decrease in milk intake. I've tried to increase his milk intake today to 135ml and he just spat everything out. however, when I feed 150ml to 180ml at his sleeping time (8pm), he can sleep till 4am which is way better than every 2 to 4 hours. my sister's boy is just 4 months and he can sleep through the night. but he drinks 150ml 9 to 10 times a day. I guess our boys just have smaller stomachs.
Read moreHi~4 months old might still have night feeds so dun worry. Reduce of intake might be due to environmental such as different rooms or places or even different people feeding him, insecure might be a factor. Some babies are more sensitive to changes. Any reduction to scoops of milk powder? Some babies can pick up difference in taste of milk. Need to think about all possibilities. U can consider not to let baby nap too much in the day so that he might be able to sleep better at night. Their sleep pattern will change from time to time esp he is still young. By 6 month baby should be able to sleep through the night. I hope its helpful.
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Please let him grow at his own pace. Let nature takes it's own course. The time will come when babies milk intake will naturally increase.
your child is still young. Sleeping thru the night are usually tougher as their stomach can hold that much of milk.
Growth spurts may happen once in a while so don't rush the feeding