My 3yo LO tends to scratch herself before she sleeps. She seems to itch though I really do not know what she's allergic to. She does have mild ezcema when she was a baby. Do your kids do that too?

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Hi my baby have mild ezcema since after few days when she was born .. it maybe link to the bath and shampoo you are using as my girl we actally tried alot of brand and last she is suitable to use seba baby only~ and in the night try apply aveeno ezcema cream before she going to bed it really helps alot hope is useful to you ~

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Not sure if it's the same, but my friend changed her detergent to one that is for sensitive skin (she changed to Seventh Generation) and changes the sheets regularly (to minimize exposure to dust mites). She also applies Aveeno Baby Eczema cream after bath and before her baby sleeps to help ease the itch.

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I use Derma e psorzema creme and it's really helpful. My daughter scratches herself till there are marks whenever her mild eczema flares. So I'll tell her the creme is poisonous (tho it's completely natural and safe) and if she touches it and puts her finger into her mouth she'll die.

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I don't allow my LO to scratch excessively given her sensitive skin. What we did was to use some creams eg Calendula to moisturise her dry skin once she starts scratching. It works in a way and she usually stops. :)

Mine having eczema and he just scratch his head till bleed~ I feel so heart pain~ I have already apply cream and seen two doctor but it seem like unable to ease his itchiness ~ :(

Sometimes it is due to dry skin per se. You could try to bath her with one of the moisturising bath soaps like Cetaphil or Sudafed and apply Cetaphil lotion after bath.

8y ago

Do mean mean a skin prick test? It can be done but needs to be done by a paediatrician who specialises in allergy.

If no rashes, sometimes it's just a habit. They are used to the movement and behaviour and had forgotten to change. Do give them a reminder at times.

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yes my boy have eczema, you can bring your sweetie to go do patch test for allergic to any foods. or change to non toxic detergents for washing clothing.

My baby tends to scratch himself when his skin is dry. Maybe you can apply some cream to moisturise her skin.