How Does Braxton Hicks Feel Like?

35 weeks now and have read about braxton hicks. However I don't seem to experience or recognise them? How does it feel like? Is it normal to not experience it yet at 35 weeks?

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Braxton hicks are irregular and infrequent contractions. It does not last long. It makes you feel uncomfortable because of the tightening of your uterine muscles that makes our tummy to become very hard. Braxton hicks contractions subside when you change your position. Hmm I think it usually last for few seconds to minute. Compared to true labor it has regular contractions and the pain grows stronger. The pain wont subside even if you change your position. Some first time moms do not recognize braxton hicks at all, you might feel it more often as you come closer to your due date. Take care mommy. 😊

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