34 weeks but everyone keep commenting I’ve a small bump.
My 34w and baby estimated weight 2.3kg. But everyone (literally more than 10 people) have told me my bump size is very small and can’t tell I’m 8 months. Gets me abit worried everytime I hear this esp when it comes from mummies themselves. Does any mummies have the same situation too?

I had a small bump and baby was around the same weight as yours at that point of time. I do not even get seat on train or bus because people cannot really tell I’m pregnant, even when I’m not fat and other people are also always commenting on my bump. I just don’t care about what others say. I gave birth to a happy and healthy baby three months ago 😊 Also, if your gynae did not flag out anything, then it’s all good. Baby is healthy and growing well. You don’t need to listen and be affected by what other people say about your bump. Don’t compare yourself with others too. Smaller bump got it’s good thing too. Smaller bump does not mean baby is unhealthy. Just follow, listen to your gynae and focus on baby’s arrival.
Read moreHi mama! I was 46kg before pregnancy, and fit in my regular clothes all the way up till I was 7/8 months haha I had comments about how tiny I was throughout, and some people didn't even know I was pregnant until I told them around 6+ months 🤣 Baby was 2.2kg at 34 weeks. I ended up giving birth to a healthy 3kg baby at 38 weeks! At that time the ultrasound estimate was about 2.8kg only. So remember that ultrasound weight is estimate :) I almost immediately deflated after birth though! Also no stretch marks and lost all the weight in less than a month hahaha tiny bump crew has its benefits. Don't worry too much as long as baby is healthy 🤍
Read moreI had a small bump but i know baby is growing well and doing fine inside. I liked my small bump and I just tell myself that small bump can shrink faster (although in reality I took like 4-5m 😅). My baby came out full term and although 2.6KG, she’s healthy. Don’t worry too much as long as gynae didn’t raise any concerns (gynae’s assurance > anyone else!) 😊.
Read moreI had a small bump too, it’s a good thing cuz no stretch marks and tummy flattened very quickly after giving birth. Since baby is healthy and gynae didn’t raise concerns, just smile or laugh it away, and don’t take other mummies’ words to heart. 🤗 Otherwise, there’s still 6 weeks to go and usually the last few weeks baby will grow very fast.
Read moreI previously checked with my gynae, she mention that baby bump size varies differently from each mama, so as long as baby is healthy that’s more important. Don’t think too much ya! Really don’t understand why people like to comment on our baby bump or compare with others. They should be more sensitive about all these comments.
Read moreYes me. ALL THE TIME. I find it so rude of people, but I've accepted that maybe they're just trying to make small talk. And usually my clothes are baggy, so it's not obvious. Important is what the gynae says, not what people say. Everyone's bump is different ❤️
im week 22 now and my bump is small. I received alot of comments saying it's small. sometimes made me worry and offended. my gynae said that my baby is healthy. I feel our body frame plays a part. longer torso tend to have more space for expansion haha.
Don't worry too much, as long as baby and mama is healthy.. its fine! I gave birth at week35 (premature) and my girl was only 2.2kg. She is now 8 months old, weight and height is in the 50th percentile range and growing very well!
If your gynae didn't say it's an issue then you shouldn't be too affected by what others say. Besides you'll be giving birth in another month or so just focus on other things instead
different mummy, different bump size, not too worry with other people's comments. just make sure the baby is healthy and you are happy. enjoy every moment.