My 3 months 2 weeks old son has a infected toe and it seem like ingrown nail (not sure). His toe is a bit swollen and got some pus. Anyone know how to deal with it? If i bring him to GP, is there anything the doctor can help?

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Its common. Just some small cut have infection with plus inside making recovery very slow. My kid have it and the doctor will use needle n poke to remove the blood n plus that is inside. After 4 days the outer skin will come off by itself n it will be fine. The doctor will also give u some cream to apply. This case see a PD better as the cream they give is more suitable for babies.

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Ouch, it looks really painful. I think the any family GP will be able to help as it looks like a standalone issue - whether to trim the nail and/or apply the cream. Pls go doctor quick as it has progress to infection and might cause fever or a cranky baby if he is not already cranky from his toe nail. Speedy recovery

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Better bring to GP. They should be able to prescribe some cream for the infection. Get it treated fast before it gets worst. Speedy recovery to your LO's toe.

Yes please bring to a doc , doc will give cream to apply.

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Looks painful - bring to PD