4 Replies

Hang in there mummy, they will definitely outgrow this phase. Mine was also like that when she was 1-2 months old, that time she also had colic and reflux issues, maybe that’s why she feels uncomfortable and cranky. I was a clueless ftm and had no idea what to do, the only thing I did was co-sleeping and she seems to be calmer that way. I also went to PD and was prescribed some medications to help with the gassy tummy. Things got better when she hit 3 months old, hope it’ll be the same for you!

My baby also had to be carried until fall asleep then v slowly put onto the bassinet/bed and also with swaddle. It’s normal.. can start doing simple sleeping routine. We tried the sleep training at 4 months onwards. Tough times but hang in there!!

We tried Ferber initially which worked for a few days until baby kinda knew and would cry harder when we pat her so had to do cry it out 🥺

Try swaddling him when going to bed during night time? He will feel more secure.

I have also used the zip swaddles, in fact, I used 3 different kinds of swaddles but it didn’t help for the day time, he constantly keeps crying to be carried from his cot 😥😥😥 I worry it will be an issue when I return to work

Consider getting an electric baby hammock (yaolan)? It saves our lives!

The house is abit too cramp for it :(

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