Constipated & gassy baby

my 1mth old baby has not pooped for 2 days now. last week this happened too but she managed to poop after I gave her gripe water. but this doesnt seem to work now. she also been farting alot, must be feeling gassy right. Anyway mummiee, pls share tips what should I do?

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Super Mum

Not all babies poop every day, so you don’t need to be anxious if she doesn’t:) Passing gas is great! All babies have a lot of gas usually.. it’s when they cannot pass it out that it becomes a problem, because they’ll be in a lot of pain. So you don’t actually need to change anything. Just feed her on demand for now:)

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Try biogaia. My LO for a week only poop once every two days. Once I feed a serving of biogaia, he poops everyday. Though you can feed biogaia daily as supplement, but I only feed again when he didn’t poop for a whole day.

tummy massage, let baby have lots of movement esp during playtime to improve peristalsis movement (same as adults), just feed on demand. its ok for babies to fart alot 😬😂

VIP Member

Try giving probiotics and do tummy massage! You can try applying ruyi oil too

Hey, Try burping your daughter more frequently and also tummy massage as well

VIP Member

Try burping your LO more often and do tummy massage?


Have you try giving a bit of water? Fm or bm?

5y ago

Some mummy baby don't poo for days feeding bm. They go by Diaper output. But for mine is diff everytime poonami. Might be the food your take or formula that causes baby heaty.

VIP Member

try tummy massage