Hi Mummy's, I'm 29 weeks pregnant. I'm feeling so tried because I didn't get enough sleep 😭😭😭. Been turning here and there still didn't get any comfortable position. Event went I sit too, and is hard for me to get up as my back will feel pain... And my back always hurts.. Sometime I feel like wanna cry.. Plz I need help, what should I do? #pregnancy #pleasehelp #sleeplessnights #tiredmommy
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Ftm and My Baby has turn 1 Month and 10days. I need help/advise. Is it normal for BB to cry and don't sleep usually this happened at night 9pm onwards, at times will be after feeding and burping 3am onwards. BB will cry and seems to be very fussy, tried to calm her but just don't go.. tried many positions to get her to sleep but still the same, this will happen in the morning too.. Is this normal ? What can i do..i am exhausted..and plus i don't think i have a good recovery and rest due to this...at one point i just broke down while my bb kept crying non stop, i just feel like putting her down and just lock my self...can this also lead to PP Depression? I have my spouse who support me but was just not enough, coz once he's out to work i am back to square one alone w the BB. I have another 2 month before i head back to work, and i do really need the time to pause and rest before i strt with my stressful work load. So many to let it out but this will do, TYIA for reading my long winded post. #pleasehelp #FTM #tiredmommy #exausted
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