Guilty sending baby to infant care
Hi My toddler is 14 months old and went to infant care since she was 5 months. I am a working mum and need my job to contribute to the family. Recently I feel that my baby is closer to her teachers than me and she doesn't seem to be so engaged with me when I play with her at home and she seems to feel like she "is being shuttled to different places " at different times. Sometimes I wonder if she knows I am her mother. Her body language is like telling me" ok, time to meet the teachers , bye bye mum" When I pick her up from school, she seems lost and took some time to recognise me from the infant care centre window , like telling me" oh, that person is picking me up back home again". This makes me a bit depressed. Me and hubby spent weekends with her at home or bring her to different places to play, but she spent more time in infant care so that made me jealous. Every mum wants to spend time with their babies but I still need to work. I know if I spent the whole day at home with her, she would be bored and I need my peace and rest too. Can someone tell me what to do? #AskingAsAMom #firstmom
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