imaginative play with Friso! free playground set till 30 April 2019!
Saw #Tapfluencer Summer Goh (@ahappymum) post on imaginary play with and dress up with in-house free playground set from Friso:, so creative! Hoping my creativity juice works too so that my 2 princesses can also dress up and imagine living in the underwater world! ⏰Friso Promo (see 2 posts back) will be ending on 30 Apr 2019, while stock last. Time is running ⏰ Friso playground set comes gift with every $380 spent on Friso products (excludes stage 1 and comfortable series). Call Friso Care line directly at 6419 8484 for more info!
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Friso Promo & FREE Playground Set
Hi mommies & daddies Don’t forget that Friso Promo is still going on, don’t miss the chance to get Friso Playground Set for free ? You just need to purchase $380 worth of Friso products (excludes Frisolac Gold 1 and Frisolac Gold Comfort, T&C apply, whilst stocks last), it’s ending on 30 April, so please hurry up, it’s super worth it! Delivery of the Friso Playground Set is also FREE! Friso Care Line is at 6419 8484 if you have any enquires. Would like to share with you blog post with video created by #Tapfluencer Summer Goh (@ahappymum) on how she’s creatively using Friso Playground Set as imaginative play and fun dress up Cheers and I hope you have wonderful play time with your lovely children
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TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO GET THIS PLAYGROUND FOR FREE!!!! I can't imagine how much fun and laughter there is at #Tapfluencer Summer Goh @ahappymum 's house ? I would like to recreate this imaginative play the next time round Baby R's friends come by with our new playground set from @Friso! • • DID I MENTIONED THIS PLAYGROUND SET IS FREE?!?!? That's the best part! You just gotta purchase $380 of Friso products to be eligible! Free delivery will be provided ? • • More enquires, please call Friso Care line @ 6419 8484
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Joreen is 3 years 4 months old now and mama stop breastfeeding her when she is 2 years 8 months old. I still miss this special bonding, yea it has been an amazing memorable journey! ❤️ Many mummies used to ask me why did i decide to introduce full cream cow's milk ? to Joreen since i am still breastfeeding her? And when did i introduce? . Mama introduced Joreen to full cream cow’s milk along with breastfeeding when she reached 1 year old. It is more like a nutritious snacking choice for Joreen. The reasons are full cream cow’s milk has a rich levels of protein and calcium which essential for growth and building healthy bones and teeth. The UHT milk is also very convenient to bring out! . Joreen's 1st encounter with full cream fresh milk at 13 months! At first, she rejected it and getting angrier at drinking fresh milk lol my drama baby! But after rest awhile, mama offered the milk to her again, she finished 160ml ? Don't give up, keep offering! The introduction of full cream cow’s milk was not that difficult, especially when you serve it with her favorite snacks hehe . And she loves full cream cow’s milk till date! It really saves me a lots of time! ? . @hpbsg @theasianparent #sgkids #sgmummy #hpbsg #healthpromotionboard #theasianparent #tapfluencer #earlychildhoodnutrition #healthhub #healthyfood #raisingkidsright . .
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