Week 6 Ultrasound without Heartbeat/ Fetal pole
Hi, this is my ivf rainbow baby after first miscarriage anembryonic pregnancy. I'm rather worried this baby might suffer the same fate as I'm still not hearing the heartbeat/ seeing the fetal pole at 6 weeks. Does anyone have the same issue and still have a healthy pregnancy? #pregnancy #ivf
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Small gestational sac, slow hcg
Hi all I am 6 wks 3 day preg today. My hcg levels were rising but not doubling previously. I did a scan at wk 5 and doc mention could see gestational sac but were smaller than expected. Another scan at wk 6 saw gestational sac(6mm) + yolk. The gestational sac measures 5wk 2 day old even though it was 6wk. Doc still say my gestational sac is too small. And is pessimistic about the situation saying I have less than 50 percent chance for a viable pregnancy. May I know if anyone has similar situation in the past with a sucessful pregnancy? Or anyone similar situation resulted in miscarriage? #pleasehelp #firstbaby #1stimemom #ivf #ivfquestions #advicepls #ivf #gestationalsac
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#ivf anyone successful mummy