Do you know what is a Diastasis Recti? It is a separation of your left and right abdominal muscles due to pregnancy. The most obvious symptom is the bulging tummy that never go away even with exercises. However, it is not advisable to do any core workouts when you have a Diastasis Recti. You can actually check for Diastasis Recti by yourself. If you need more information on Diastasis Recti, feel free to ask away :) #diastasisrecti #consultant #mummysupportmummy #postpartum #postpartumbelly
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There is a postnatal yoga and recovery programme at Grounded Spaces coming up soon! Highly recovery for newly postpartum mums who want to get back into movement, I took this instructor’s prenatal classes and I love it. Sharing for possible interest by others :) #postpartum #diastasisrecti #recovery #postnatal
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Hi mummies, if any of you have recently given birth in the past few months and are looking for postnatal exercise/movement support to help with your recovery (address pelvic floor incontinence, diastesis recti, low back pain etc), highly recommend the upcoming workshops at Grounded Spaces (Orchard Plaza) that I will be conducting. I am a certified prenatal and postnatal yoga instructor, and have been through my own postnatal recovery from an emergency c-section. Feel free to reach out if you have questions or want a promo code for the classes! #postpartum #postnatal #diastasisrecti #postnatalcare #recovery
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