Diastasis Recti / Mummy Tummy

Do you know what is a Diastasis Recti? It is a separation of your left and right abdominal muscles due to pregnancy. The most obvious symptom is the bulging tummy that never go away even with exercises. However, it is not advisable to do any core workouts when you have a Diastasis Recti. You can actually check for Diastasis Recti by yourself. If you need more information on Diastasis Recti, feel free to ask away :) #diastasisrecti #consultant #mummysupportmummy #postpartum #postpartumbelly

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Most women will experience some degree of abdominal separation during pregnancy due to hormonal changes, abdominal growth, and weight gain. I will visit https://www.assignmenthelper.com.au/essay-help-australia/ website to get help in my essay on time. The uterus grows upwards pushing the abdominal wall away, stretching it out. A strong core allows your body to go back to normal after delivery.

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Hi thanks for the insight. I don’t have DR but just wondering for those who have (and in event I suffer from it) Then what workouts should I do? Thanks.