Can postpartum hair loss still dye hair
Hi mummies! Does anyone previously suffering from postpartum hair loss but still went to dye your hair? If is okay to do so? I’m at 5th month since baby born, started dropping more hair since on the 4th month.. CNY is coming and I really hope to look nice.. Please share with me! TIA! 😊 #advicepls #Hairloss #postpartum
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So afraid my body will be ugly after I give birth
I am a FTM, currently at 32 weeks pregnant. My anxieties are many, from the act of labour, to being a good mother, to the recovery after birth, to new dynamics between my husband and I, to a more selfish one: will my body be ugly after birth? I have done my research and there are definitely many ways to have your body heal and put back together (somewhat), but many of the changes are irreversible. And while I hear many moms say "they are your battle scars, be proud of them", I don't know if I will ever look at my body and be confident ever again and not everybody will agree. Of course it's a different issue if you have plenty of money and can go have these things fixed, but most of us don't have that luxury. I am just ranting here, sharing a little bit of my anxiety. But please feel free to give your 2 cents if you have advice or feel the same way I do. #FTM #firstbaby #firsttimemom #stretchmark #fatcow #flabby #saggy #Hairloss
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