1 month old baby not sleeping in the day
My baby is 1 month and 5 days, and the past few days after her feeding (expressed breastmilk) she will show signs of sleepiness and we will carry her until she dozes off. But once we put her down in the cot, she will wake up. Or sometimes she doesn’t sleep at all after a feed. Any mommies have similar problem? We suspect she has gas but she burps after feeding. She fusses for a while but when we rock her she will calm down. Is it colic? Or something else? #advicepls #firsttimemom #firstbaby
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Hi mummies, my newborn is 11 days old and she seems to be feeding around the clock over the last 2 days or so. Sometimes it’s challenging to get her to sleep after a feed even though she’s full, while other times she’ll get milk drunk and fall asleep easily. I’ve been able to express and latch but there are times when she doesn’t seem to be full! So our last resort is giving her formula because it tends to make her full longer. I read about growth spurt, could she be going through a growth spurt?#advicepls #firstbaby #FTM
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