My baby is 100% drinking breast milk now but I am going overseas for work for 6 days and I don’t have enough supply for baby for the whole duration. I tried to introduce formula but baby refused to drink it. I’m worried she might not have enough to drink while I’m away. Anyone has experience or tips to share when transitioning from breast milk to formula? #formulaadvice #weaning
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Hello, i was wondering if anyone can share their night time baby responsibilities between husband, yourself and helper after confinement nanny leaves? I am currently 3 weeks post partum and the confinement nanny has been taking the night time duty of feeding / changing diapers. I just wake up 1-2 times to pump. We trust her because many of my relatives have used her and she is very experienced with new borns However, our nanny leaves next week and our helper will be coming soon. I don’t feel comfortable letting my helper do the night time feeds / changing diaper as we don’t know her yet. My husband however thinks the helper should do the night job so we can rest at night and let helper rest in the day for about 2 hours Can anyone share how you handle the night time responsibilities between different people? Thank you! #pleasehelp #FTM #nightfeed
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Sick during 2nd trimester - what to take?
I caught the flu, cough and sore throat recently and am 14 weeks pregnant. I think a fever is coming too although the last I measured it was 37.3 degrees so not considered fever yet. I have a normal temperature of 36+ normally so this is higher than normal for me. GP gave me chlorpheniramine (anti histamine) which I guess is for the flu. I’m allergic to painkillers like panadol / paracetamol so I can’t take them. Wonder if I should see another GP.. I called by gynae but only got advice from the receptionist who told me to take off the counter medicine but I read online that they are not safe for pregnancy so I’m confused. What should I do? Am worried the illness will affect the baby. Appreciate some advice! #firsttimemom #advicepls
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