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mom of brave and strong
forgot the needs, good food for brain and growth
Years have been, and i forgot all of the needs, the do-donts list, all good food for the fetus...for its brain and growth and what to avoid... I'm having trouble... pretty sure yet havent gone for the checkup needed, as i 'calm' as not wanting to . . . go to such regular appointments...
kriteria pengambilan vaksin
apakah yang menyebabkan ibu hamil jatuh dalam kriteria boleh ambil vaksin sedang kandungan nya 34 minggu ? walhal 33w yang termaktub... apa kemungkinan risiko terhadap kedua ibu dan kandungan ?
a little more to endure
i wonder if there's anyone having the same as i do, upon 33weeks now 35. - heartburn - vomitting - headache - swollen hand & legs - pain between crotch - lightning crotch n hips i guess, that's normal... ya ? no ?
teh tarik
apakah kebaikan atau/dan kesan sampingan pengambilan teh tarik yang kerap buat wanita hamil trimester ?