My 4.5 mth LO naps really terribly in the day and only willing to nap for longer periods when we are carrying her. Once we put her down in her crib she'll be up in 15 to 20 mins. She sleeps through the night fine though, so is this considered sleep regression? Anyone has tips on how to keep her asleep longer in her crib? Should I get a yaolan? #firstmom #firsttimemom
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Mums who have gone/are going back to work after maternity leave - how do you cope with the separation and emotions? I've trained my helper to take care of LO while I'll be away but now it feels like they've bonded more and I feel like LO will forget me since I'll spend a lot less time with her ): #firsttimemom #FTM
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Hi mummies! My LO is 3 months old and just learnt to roll to her side, but I noticed now she likes to sleep on her side with very arched back. Her head will be leaned back almost 90 degrees and she sleeps through the night like this. In the afternoon she sleeps on her back. Is this normal?#firsttimemom #advice
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What to do with collected colostrum?
I'm 39w4d today and delivering by c-sect on Friday, so I decided to try harvesting colostrum today! Ended up with 2ml and might try again tomorrow. I've stored it in the freezer for now but should I also bring it with me to the hospital on Friday? Heard that the lactation consultant/nurses will also be collecting at the hospital so don't know if I should bring or leave at home? #FTM#adviceplease
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I've been getting headaches/migraines on and off the past week. Sometimes it comes with bright spots too and I'm too tired to even speak. Is this normal or any cause for concern and should I check in with my gynae? I'm on a trip now so maybe it's lack of sleep too but I'm concerned it's pre-eclampsia. No nausea or swelling though.#firsttimemom #advicepls
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I'm shopping around for a gynae now and wondering how I should schedule appointments with the new gynaes I'm considering. For e.g. my last appt was on 20 Sep when I'm at 14 weeks. For my first appt with my next gynae should I schedule it asap or just wait for 3 weeks since usually appts are 1 month apart in 2nd tri? #firsttimemom #advicepls #firstbaby #FTM
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Jurong Clinic for Women or NUH?
Hi ladies! I'm at Wk 14 and shopping around for a gynae to see me till delivery. I heard good things about NUH gynaes and thinking of changing over esp cos I'm a westie. Planning on private route but I heard waiting times at NUH even for private is bad? Does anyone have any experience on average wait times for private and also is there any difference if I just make appts at Jurong Clinic for Women? Thanks in advance!#advicepls #FTM
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