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Dreaming of becoming a parent
my lo is 2 months old n completely on Brest feeding can I eat Maggi? I m feeling so hungry at night
baby boy name
Please suggest unique baby boy name
I'm having c sec 15 days ago I have very big tummy when I can join a gym??
Please suggest baby boy name with combination of Amruta and Mayur
breast milk
Suggest what should I do if there is no breast milk starting yet,I'm having c sec.
induction of labour
I'm 40 weeks pregnant my due date was 29-02-2020 bt my labour is not started yet, dr suggest me to induce my labour on 02-03-2020 ,so how much % will induction work for normal delivery?
I'm 39 weeks pregnant n my hb level is 9 gm so what should be done or what should dr. Do if my hb level is low?
custor oil
Can I have custor oil for labour pain? Is it safe ? Im 39 weeks pregnant.
labour pain
What to do to induce labour pain naturally??
baby kicks
I'm 36 weeks pregnant, my baby kicks a lot when I sit, is there anything wrong? Should I worried abt it ? Because there is concious ninja kicks, does baby feel uncomfortable so they kicks or moves a lot??