Sensitive topic 😅 Feeling horny after getting pregnant.
Never felt like this before pregnancy, having sex is just for baby or satisfying husband. BUT after getting pregnant, I think I start to feel so horny 🥲 but my tummy is so big now I don't even feel comfortable laying down, let alone have sex. Every time this happens when I randomly wake up in the night then cant go back to sleep and this has been affecting my sleep. This feels so wrong to me.. How to stop this from happening? 🥲 #pleasehelp #advicepls #firsttimemom #FTM #firstbaby #respect_post
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I dont know is that kidney pain or muscle pain at the mid and lower back.. i felt aches around this area when i woke up this morning. I can't straighten my back to walk normally. But passing of stools and pee seems normal as of now. Does anyone have lower to mid back pain? I rly hope its due to pregnancy related #pleasehelp #FTM #firstbaby #respect_post
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Hi moms! Curious to know, previously I gave birth at TMC with Dr Jasmine in Jan 2022. Bill was still affordable considering it was private. Room stay for single bedded comes with toilet and sofa. I had no complains and really enjoyed my stay and my time with Dr Jasmine. However, there has been reviews circulating with regards to her and I’m quite shocked. Would you recommend me going back to her for my second pregnancy? I am also looking into KKH Private gynaes but don’t know any who’s on par with Dr Jasmine. Also wondering what’s KKH single bedded looks like? Any experiences? #pleasehelp #advicepls #FTM #respect_post
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