Peta Laman Web theAsianparent - Artikel mengikut November 2018
- Ngày Tiêu đề
- 2018-11-19Bun, bayi umur 2 bulan boleh naik pesawat ga ya?
- 2018-11-20Caesarean workout
- 2018-11-20Apa yang bayi anda suka makan?
- 2018-11-20hy bucan smua,,mau tanya dong.. sy kn punya baby yg tgl 26 nanti genap 2bln.. yg mau sy tanyakn,normal ga sich klo shri2ny msh tidur trs.. jarang melek utk skedar main,paling kbngun cuma pas mandi atau minta susu.. tp klo mlm atau subuh bru dech dia ngajak main walaupn ga lama.. sy tkut ank sy knpa2,krn kkny dlu ga bgtu..
- 2018-11-20Is it safe for pregnant women to take a speedboat trip?
- 2018-11-21kalau kita hamil tetapi masih menyusui bolehkah??
- 2018-11-21Anda dan pasangan ikut perancangan kehamilan dari doktor?
- 2018-11-21bunda mau tanya saya baru 5 week dan janin belum kelihatan. makanan yg baik buat janin berkembang apa ya bun...
- 2018-11-21bunda2 adakah di sini yg pke kb IUD datang bulan ny banyak gt..sharing yuk bund2
- 2018-11-21Hi guys. I'm Hazim from The Dew Academy.
The Dew Academy (or in short Dewdemy) is a startup that located and operated in Bandar Baru Bangi. The big why Dewdemy was created because we wanted the next generation which is currently we called it Gen Z are well prepared with the Industry Revolution 4.0.
As we can see nowdays with the wide internet connection in all over the world, from a hobby it can be a successful career.We gonna have a lot of plans to doing variety of classes on every weekend.
You guys can check the latest class at our website ( or facebook pages Dewdemy.
Any feedback or suggestion just pm me or email to us [email protected]. We will happy to read it and try to implement into our startup for our own Gen Z good. :D
- 2018-11-21Baby saya baru 4 bulan, dia dah demam 2 hari. Batuk dan selesema. Biasanya kalau tak sihat, kita tak bermaya, betul tak? Tapi anak saya tak tunjuk tanda macam tu pun. Masih cergas, tersenyum ketawa macam biasa. Patut tak saya risau, bawa jumpa doktor juga? Normal ke anak kecil demam tapi masih lincah?
- 2018-11-21Macam mana nak buat anak suka makan dan kurang minum susu?
- 2018-11-21Bun, tanya dong. Bolehkah bayi 16 bulan masih ngempeng??? Apa ada saran untuk mengganti kebiasaan tersebut??
- 2018-11-22Selama Ibu hamil, si Ayah ikut mengidam tak?
- 2018-11-22Love to talk about motherhood life.
- 2018-11-22bun tanya dong, baby baru boleh di gendong menghadap depan usia berapa mounth ya?
- 2018-11-22this month I have not come a period, is it fertile?
- 2018-11-22My 4 year old son just started school refusal. He was in day care since 3month. Now he is in pre-school at the same school. Everyday he cried and he said he dont want to go to school cuz his teacher always yell at him and he gets treatened. I've tried to talk to the supervisor but it seems nothing ever change. What should I do.
- 2018-11-23im not married, nor have a boyfriend, or have sex.
but i dunno how I can travel here hahha
- 2018-11-23What the good/suggestion position for a sex in the 3trimester pregnant?