Yew tee primary or unity primary is better?

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I was too late to read this. I have a group of mummies staying at that area in our whatsapp grp. We were talking abt p1 registration this year and 1 of them had an elder son at yew tee pri. So far the school is ok. If wanna join the chat, let me know.

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My cousins go to Unity Primary -- they seem to like it and I read about the many achievements that it has achieved in terms of sports and arts. Not too familiar with Yew Tee Primary though...

I would say Yew Tee over Unity - based on availability at Phase 2c. But amongst the schools at chua chu kang area, De La Selle is clearly the best with just 17 seats available.

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which one is nearer to your school? i think theyre the same, only sec sch really matters ba

my son is in Unity Primary School. near our home and teacher is ok.