Suami positif covid19

Ya Alloh rasanya sedih,, aku lagi hamil 29w, suami positif covid. Di isolasi di jakarta udah 5 hari,, 08/12/2020

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semangat bunda.. semoga suaminya cepat sembuh dan bunda diberikan kekuatan kelancaran sehat selamat sampai lahiran.. “ALLAH DOES NOT BURDEN A SOUL BEYOND THAT IT CAN BEAR” (2:286) This means that regardless of the situation, Allah (s.w.t) is choosing to test you with that challenge because He knows that you can get through it : that you are strong enough. So trust in that, trust in that strength that Allah (s.w.t) gave you. Because after the storm, comes a rainbow.  

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yg sabar ya bunda.. semoga suaminya lekas sehat. lekas kembali negatif. semangat bunda...