When is the best to deliver via elective csect

At which week do your gynae advice on ur elective c-scect?Week 37 or week 38?I had 3 csects prior to the upcoming one.My no 3 was csect @ 36wks due to contractions and bad swelling. And now gynae says 38wks to do the cscect.Not too sure if I can do it earlier at 37wks.

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If there's no complications, gynae will usually advise 38th wk onwards, just to prevent miscalculation of EDD where baby is actually younger than the estimated EDD. Baby's lungs would also be more developed by then so 38th wk is a better choice. I had my e-csect at 39+2, I wanted to wait longer but my baby wld be too big by then, he's 3.8kg at birth.

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3y ago

my gynae say 39wks will be abit too long...so he advise 38wks on the dot.Im gonna see him soon n will confirm again.thank u.😃