First holiday country for your kid to travel to?

Which was the first country you took your child to? And at what age? #holiday #travel #vacation #children

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Hk and Macau when she was 7 years old

Dubai and Muscat at 4 months old

my #1 went to hk when she was 1 yrs old

Sydney when my No.2 was 2 months old.

Hong Kong Disneyland at 2.5 years old

3mths to perth. super baby friendly country

8y ago

Hi what kind of activities did you plan with LO in Perth pls

8 m.o to Indonesia, 24 hour journey

Hong kong! 5 months old.

12mo HK, 18mo BKK, 24mo HK, 3yo HK

To Israel at 6 weeks! Awesome trip